Application Of Powtoon Audio Visual Learning Media

Increasing The Learning Outcomes Of Class V Students Through The Application Of Powtoon Audio Visual Learning Media (by sukis, S.Pd)


This study aims to find out how to improve student learning outcomes through the application of audio visual powtoon learning media for fifth grade students at SDN Ngemplak II. This type of research is classroom action research. This research was conducted at SDN Ngemplak II on August 2 to August 30, 2022. The subjects of this study were the fifthgrade students of SDN Ngemplak II, totaling 16 people consisting of 10 boys and 6 girls. This research was carried out in collaboration between researchers, classroom teachers and student participation. This classroom action research was carried out in cycle II, where the first cycle consisted of two meetings. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that using audio visual powtoon media can improve student learning outcomes, this can be seen from the learning outcomes of class V students where from the initial ability (Pretest) students' learning outcomes are 41.67% with an average value 67.1 after the action in the first cycle, the percentage obtained reached 66.67% with an average value of 73.8, and in the second cycle increased to 91.67% with an average value of 82.9. The number of student activity scores in the first cycle is 3.3 (enough) and the second cycle is 4.1 (good).

Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Audio Visual Media (powtoon)


Science subjects are a scientific group that has special characteristics, namely studying factual natural phenomena, both in the form of facts or events and cause and effect relationships. IPA can be interpreted as a science that studies the causes and effects of events that exist in nature. (Asih Widi Wisudawati dan Eka Sulistyowati, 2015:22)

According to “Lentera Kecil” (2019), Science learning objectives are: (1) students can develop curiosity and a positive attitude towards science, technology and society. (2) develop process skills to investigate the natural surroundings, solve problems and make decisions. (3) develop knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts that will be useful and can be applied in everyday life. (4) develop awareness about the role and importance of science in everyday life. (5) transferring knowledge, skills and understanding to other teaching fields. (6) participate in maintaining, protecting and preserving the natural environment. Appreciate the various forms of God's creation in this universe to be studied.

Nunuk Suryani dkk,(2019:4) argues that science learning includes all material related to natural objects and their problems. Class V science learning covers the material of living things, their energy and changes, the earth and the universe as well as material processes and their properties. According to experts, science learning can be delivered using learning media. Learning Media is anything that can convey messages, stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, and willingness so that they can encourage a deliberate, purposeful and controlled learning process. Although not the only determining factor, learning media occupy a very important position for the success of the learning and learning process in addition to other components such as methods, materials, facilities and infrastructure, characteristics and environment of students, teacher abilities, and so on. The use or selection of appropriate learning media in the learning and learning process can generate new interests and desires, motivate and stimulate learning activities, and even bring psychological influences on students or students.

Learning media in elementary schools must be interesting and funny because of the nature of elementary school students who prefer to play rather than study. Therefore the media used must be right on target and effective so that the material to be delivered can be well received by elementary school students.

Important positions in the teaching and learning process, namely teachers, teachers are all people who are authorized and responsible for guiding and fostering students, both individually and classically, at school and outside school (Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, 2010:32). So that the teacher is only one of the various sources and learning media. Thus the role of the teacher in teaching should be able to encourage, help students to always use various learning opportunities and various learning media in learning that contribute to student learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes are the ultimate goal of carrying out learning activities in schools. Learning outcomes can be improved through conscious effort that is carried out systematically leading to positive changes which are then called the learning process. The end of the learning process is the acquisition of a student learning outcome. Student learning outcomes in class are collected in a set of class learning outcomes. All of these learning outcomes are the result of an interaction of act of learning and act of teaching. From the teacher's point of view, the act of teaching ends with the process of evaluating learning outcomes, while from the student's point of view, learning outcomes are the end of the chapter and the peak of the learning process. (Dimyati dan Mudjiono, 2015:3).

According to Oemar Hamalik (2006:155), learning outcomes can be seen from changes in behavior in students that can be observed and measured through changes in attitudes and skills. These changes can be interpreted as an increase and better development compared to before. Based on the results of supervision of the learning process in class V science subjects carried out by researchers as the Principal of SDN Ngemplak II, the results obtained were low student learning outcomes. by time to make the media long enough and troublesome so the teacher only does conventional learning without using media or tools to support the learning process in teaching and learning activities.

Based on the results of supervision of the learning process in class V science subjects carried out by researchers as the Principal of SDN Ngemplak II, the results obtained were low student learning outcomes. by time to make the media long enough and troublesome so the teacher only does conventional learning without using media or tools to support the learning process in teaching and learning activities. Based on the results of this supervision, the researcher who is also the principal of the school held discussions with the fifth grade teacher to improve learning through class action research (PTK), namely improving the learning outcomes of fifth grade students through the application of audio-visual powtoon learning media at SDN Ngemplak II. The application of powtoon learning media is also an alternative to improve the learning process and at the same time can improve student learning outcomes at SDN Ngemplak II. because there are adequate facilities and infrastructure such as LCDs, computers or laptops as well as convenience for teachers in operating learning animation video media.

Powtoon learning animation videos are cartoon animation videos that can be filled with subject matter and can be used as learning media for elementary schools because of their attractive nature and seem funny and suitable for elementary school children. Powtoon is an online application program that exists on the internet and functions as a video-making application for presentations and learning media. The advantages possessed by Powtoon are that it is easy to use because the end result is in the form of videos and the ease of making animations that can attract elementary school students. Many animation options already exist in the Powtoon application so we no longer need to make animations manually and complete animations that can support making interesting and funny learning animation videos.

According to Bahtraedu. (2015) Powtoon Audio Visual Media is an application that is used by using the internet network to make cartoon animation presentations or videos in a fairly easy way. Powtoon has very interesting animation features, including handwriting animations, cartoon animations, and livelier transition effects and easier timeline settings. With Powtoon, we can easily, instantly and attractively create cartoon animations for videos or presentations. The advantages of Powtoon itself are the interface for making videos that are good and easy to use and the availability of lots of funny and interesting animations that can be used as support for the learning process. The specifications for a laptop or PC that can be used to run powtoon are as follows: Processor: 1) Quad Core Celeron or above, 2) RAM: at least 1GB, 3) 38 VGA: On Board, 4) Stable internet connection. Learning by using Audiovisual Powtoon media is a way of learning by using media that contains elements of sound and images, which in the process of absorption of material involves the senses of sight and sense of hearing. (Aswan Zain dan Syaiful Bahri Djamarah,2004:125).

In the teaching and learning process learning media functions as: 1) broadcasting important information; 2) motivating students in learning; 3) add enrichment in learning; 4) shows the relationships between concepts; 5) presents experiences that are not shown by the teacher; 6) assist individual learning; 7) bringing things that are outside the classroom into the classroom.

Thus the use of powtoon audio-visual learning media will stimulate the involvement of the senses of sight and hearing as well as mood so that it will facilitate the absorption of information which will eventually be stored in the brain in memory.

The benefits of powtoon audio-visual media are: 1) Clarify the presentation of the message so that it is not too verbalistic (in the form of mere written or spoken words). 2) Overcoming the limitations of space, time and senses, such as for example: objects that are too large, can be replaced with reality, pictures, film frames, films, or models and small objects assisted by a micro projector, film frames, or images. 3) If the motion is too slow or too fast, timelapse or high-speed photography can help. 4) Events or events that occurred in the past can be displayed again through film recordings, videos, film frames, photos or verbally.

The advantages of powtoon audio-visual media are: a) Covers all aspects of the senses b) Practical use c) Collaborative d) Can be used in large groups e) More varied f) Can provide feedback g) Motivating. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of powtoon audio-visual media include: a) Dependence on the availability of technological support, b) Must be adapted to existing systems and conditions, c) Reducing creativity and innovation from other types of learning media, d) Requires professional HR support to operate it. (Nina Fitriyani, 2019:107).

Based on the background above, the formulation of the research problem is: How to increase student learning outcomes by using the audio-visual powtoon learning media in class V SDN Ngemplak II Science subject?.


The type of research conducted in this research is classroom action research (CAR). The term in English is classroom action research (CAR), which is a research activity carried out in class. Classroom action research can be interpreted as a scientific activity carried out by the teacher in his own class by designing, implementing, observing and reflecting on the action through several cycles in a collaborative and participatory manner which aims to improve and improve the quality of the learning process in his class (Kunandar, 2011:46 ).

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